
With a name based on a Mystery Science Theater 3000 riff, EPP was originally going to mostly house B-movie reviews. Now though, it has become a repository for whatever burrs get under my pop culture saddle on any given day. Seriously, I must be insane; who else voluntarily reads a book on the history of jeans...and enjoys it?

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Various VMA Flaps

Pictured: TEH HORRA!
So if you didn't watch the MTV Video Music Awards last night, everyone is OMG SO OFFENDED/SHOCKED because Lady Gaga wore a dress made from meat.  She had previously done so on a magazine cover and caused a rather minor stir.  Now, though, she had the effrontery to wear such a thing IN PUBLIC!
C'mon, people.  Get past it.  The woman is out to be provocative and controversial.  She's modeling herself on every controversial pop star of the past 30 or 40 years.

PETA is all up in arms because MEAT IS THE ROTTING CORPSES OF ANIMALS WHO DIDN'T WANNA DIE AND BAWWWWWW!!!  Normally, I agree with PETA on certain things; I'm no vegetarian or anything, but I don't think that animals should be needlessly harmed.  Still, this was meat, beef from the look, that must have been raised to be food.  I don't consider the raising of certain animals for food as so terrible (although it might make Sadie Frost: Warrior Vegetarian come after you) and I say that if an insanoid popster (not star, but ster) wants to go down to the grocery and pick out a few trays of prime cuts and make them into a dress that will make everyone scream "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE FROM THE MEAT CURTAINS!" then I say more power to her.
Oh, and in other complaints, Lindsay Lohan did a sketch at the start of the show poking fun at her recent troubles and her new "sobriety" (I'm waiting for a bit more evidence to call it official, but at least I'm not calling for her death like some people) and everyone thinks that's in poor taste.  I say, if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?

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