
With a name based on a Mystery Science Theater 3000 riff, EPP was originally going to mostly house B-movie reviews. Now though, it has become a repository for whatever burrs get under my pop culture saddle on any given day. Seriously, I must be insane; who else voluntarily reads a book on the history of jeans...and enjoys it?

Friday, June 3, 2011

I'm REALLY Back Now...

All of my blogs are about to be back and better than ever...I'm gonna put in so many pictures and junk that any regular readers (all two of you) may just vomit.  Or be really happy.  Or nothing might happen at all.

Okay, to start off...A few years ago, I worked at a large discount/retail/Idon'tknowwhatthatcorporatehellholeisanymore chain store...let's call it Mal-Wart.  Anyhow, I worked the overnight shift, stocking shelves and doing a little floor cleaning at one point.  As anyone who has worked overnight/3rd shift can tell you, it throws off the typical time schedule an average body is used to.  I'd get home in the mornings and maybe have time to eat and catch a smattering of news on TV before passing out in bed.

Well, lemme tell ya...when you're naturally a depressed person, and your job is making you more depressed, the last thing you need to watch is news.  So, being the music lover that I am, I started watching a lot of VH1 in the mornings, catching cool vids and info on musicians I like or that the network felt I needed to know about.

After the overnight jobs were over with, I started keeping more regular hours.  Also, I lived with a person in a home with only one TV, and my roommate (my mum) often dictated what we watched.  That meant a lot less music and a lot more...well, other stuff.

Just lately, I've gotten back into watching VH1, and there are some great new/semi-new artists out there, as well as the old reliable ones cranking out new, sometimes cool, sometimes dumb music (but I will always worship the Beastie Boys).

One of the new artists I really enjoy, Adele, has really inspired me in a lot of ways.  And her voice is just smashing.

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