
With a name based on a Mystery Science Theater 3000 riff, EPP was originally going to mostly house B-movie reviews. Now though, it has become a repository for whatever burrs get under my pop culture saddle on any given day. Seriously, I must be insane; who else voluntarily reads a book on the history of jeans...and enjoys it?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Self-Indulgence: 30 Day Music Meme: Day 10: A Song That Reminds You of Your Father

Let's just put this one in the category of "But I have serious father issues and don't really like to think about him" and do it anyhow.

Day 10: A Song That Reminds You of Your Father

My father was no trucker, but he was a fan of singer Red Sovine, who sang a lot of songs about truckers.  One of the songs I heard him play the most was "Phantom 309".
I guess it struck a chord with me because I love a good ghost story.  Also, I really love the word "well".


I was out on the west coast tryin' to make a buck,
And things didn't work out; I was down on my luck.
Got tired o' roamin' and bummin' around
So I started thumbin' back East, toward my hometown.
Made a lotta miles the first two days
And I figured I'd be home in a week if my luck held out this way.
But the third night I got stranded way outta town
At a cold lonely crossroads; rain was pourin' down.
I was hungry and freezin' and done caught a chill
When the lights of a big semi topped the hill.
Lord, I sure was glad to hear them airbrakes come on,
And I climbed in that cab, where I knew it'd be warm.
At the wheel set a big man; he weighed about 210.
He stuck out his hand and said with a grin,
"Big Joe's the name," and I told him mine.
And he said, "The name o' my rig is Phantom 309."
I asked him why he called his rig such a name.
He said, "Son, this old Mac can put 'em all to shame.
There ain't a driver or a rig a-runnin' any line
That's seen nothin' but taillights from Phantom 309."
Well, we rode and talked the better part o' the night,
When the lights of a truck stop came in sight.
He said, "I'm sorry, son, this is far as you go
'Cause I gotta make a turn just on up the road."
Well, he tossed me a dime as he pulled 'er in low
And said, "Have yourself a hot cup on ol' Big Joe."
When Joe an' his rig roared out into the night
In nothin' flat he was clean outta sight.
Well, I went inside and ordered me a cup;
Told the waiter Big Joe was settin' me up.
Oh, you coulda heard a pin drop; it got deathly quiet,
And the waiter's face turned kinda white.
"Well, did I say somethin' wrong?" I said with a halfway grin.
He said, "No, this happens every now and then.
Every driver in here knows Big Joe,
But, son, let me tell ya what happened about ten years ago.
"At the crossroads tonight, where you flagged 'im down,
There was a busload o' kids a-comin' from town,
And they were right in the middle when Big Joe topped the hill.
It could've been slaughter, but he turned his wheels.
"Well, Joe lost control, went into a skid,
And gave his life to save that bunch o' kids.
And there at that crossroads was the end of the line
For Big Joe and Phantom 309.
"But every now and then some hiker'll come by
And, like you, Big Joe'll give 'im a ride.
Here, have another cup, and forget about the dime;
Keep it as a souvenir from Big Joe and Phantom 309."


Day 1. Your Favorite Song
Day 2: A song that makes you cry.
Day 3: A song that makes you dance.
Day 4: Your favorite male singer.
Day 5: Your favorite female singer.
Day 6: Your favorite band.
Day 7: One band/singer you're ashamed to admit you like.
Day 8: One band/singer whose popularity you will never understand.
Day 9: A song that reminds you of an ex.
Day 10: A song that reminds you of your father.

Day 11: A song that reminds you of your mother.
Day 12: A song that makes you want to have sex.
Day 13: A song you sing in the shower.
Day 14: A song from the year you were born.
Day 15: A song you liked in high school.
Day 16: The first song in your mp3 folder.
Day 17: The last song in your mp3 folder.
Day 18: An instrumental song you like.
Day 19: Your favorite love song.
Day 20: Your favorite breakup song.
Day 21: A song that makes you want to break stuff.
Day 22: Your favorite song from a movie.
Day 23: Your favorite duet.
Day 24: Your favorite cover song.
Day 25: Your favorite song from 2010 (so far)
Day 26: Your favorite movie video.
Day 27: One song in your mp3 folder you're pretty sure no one else has.
Day 28: One song that needs to never be played again.
Day 29: One song that gives you the creeps.
Day 30: A song you'd like played at your funeral.

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